Magic of Daf

Daf and sufi dance

Daf is a frame drum that is playing in Iran, Iraq, Syria, especially in Kurdish regions. Moreover, it is used in religious ceremonies and Sufi dances among Kurds. in these courses we are teaching:

1) how to play Daf

2) explain to students about middle east rhythms

3) teaching students step by step from beginner to advanced levels

4) teaching students how to play Daf in ensembles 

Hi, I’m [Mahdi Gheitasi]

As a musician, I am playing percussions since 2008, and I was taking Daf courses from 2008 to 2017 in Iran. From 2014 to 2017, I was taking Daf courses with Meastro Bijan Kamkar, aryan Rezaei, and Hossein Rezaeniya. During these years, I created my own group known as Torghe. Torghe consists of musicians who are working on the folk music of iran, especially in Kurdistan and Khorasan areas.


Since 2017, I am teaching Daf to enthusiastic students in Iran and Europe. I am teaching based on Bijan Kamkar and one hundred lessons of Daf books. Moreover, I designed courses based on useful methods and useful rhythms.